Reducing the size of ducting has many implications in air velocity and air resistance , this can create lots of issues with the performance of your unit.

MVHR units will perform as intended, with a well designed and installed ducting system, if the ducting system is not designed and installed well it will cause long lasting problems.

No, an MVHR system will extract from all wet rooms so no need for Bathroom fans or Kitchen fans .

No, the MVHR unit is providing fresh air so you don’t have a need for added ventilation.

Yes, MVHR will not replace wet heating in your home however , it will reduce the demand on the heating system by recovering over 90% of the outgoing heat.

Yes occasionally ducting needs to be cleaned, especially if there has been a moisture build up as this can form mold spores and will these will need to be removed.

Commonly for a 3 bed house its about £50 per year

Your MVHR unit will require a condensate drain to be fitted, this will remove any internal build up of moisture

100% yes, its role in your home is to remove moisture, odours and household pollutants.

The regulations say that ducting fitted to any MVHR unit that is an area classed as unheated ie, a loft must be insulated.

With regular servicing a good quality unit should give 15 to 20 years of trouble-free use.

All MVHR units use differing amounts of power, the average yearly running cost is around £50 per year

Most MVHR units will recover 90% of your heat.

It is recommended to change the filters every six months, however you may live in an environment that would require a more frequent change for example in a rural area during summer months as the agriculture around you may produce extra dust, or you live in an urban area with lots of building work around you, this could also require a more regular filter change.

Every 6 months ideally, this will fall in line with filter change schedules.

MVHR units come in both Vertical and Horizontal types, units are specifically made to fit in spaces that is limited , for example flats, and apartments don’t have lofts, so the space between your ceiling and the floor of the flat above will accommodate a horizontal unit.

Yes, but it can be complex , the ducting may be required to be run in the ceilings and walls and this can prove difficult without careful planning.

Very easy, if you supply us with your architect’s plan, we can take that a produce a full 3d CAD design of your property.


Your design will include a full 3d CAD design with several internal and external views of your property with your MVHR installation, you will also receive a full bill of materials and a comprehensive set of airflow calculations to be used for commissioning after installation.

Most companies have a team of trusted service partners that they can recommend.

No MVHR should be noisy, if its is then the unit may have a problem and should be investigated.

MVHR units come in both Vertical and Horizontal types, units are specifically made to fit in spaces that is limited , for example flats, and apartments don’t have lofts, so the space between your ceiling and the floor of the flat above will accommodate a horizontal unit.

No, the need to hide ducting in walls and ceilings require that the property either be in a renovation state or a new build.

Noise can be attributed to many things but check the internal filters , if they are blocked then the unit will potentially speed up to compensate, and in turn become noisy.


Yes, they are designed to run in trickle mode all the time and will boost when required diluting excess moisture and odours

Yes, we offer multiple connectivity options to aid the installer.

Nothing, leave it running all the time.

Once the MVHR unit has been installed it will need to be commissioned, this must be done by someone who has been trained and is competent in not only

The Summer bypass is fitted to prevent the internal temperature of your house being increased, if the outside temperature is warmer than the inside temperature of your home , there is a risk that the unit that is bringing in warm air would add heat to your internal temperature, the Summer Bypass will not allow this, it will simply not send the incoming air through the heat exchanger , it will bypass this and send the warm air back outside.

The condensate trap must be fitted to an MVHR unit and also connected to a waste pipe, the unit internally will create moisture, this will collect in the well of the unit and an allowance for it to be drained away must be made, it is also recommended to fit a Hep 0 trap to stop odours coming up the waste pipe.

All manufacturers offer differing guarantees or warranties , normally 5 years .